Dan on Five Comics I'm Reading Right Now

These days I read most of my comics on the Comixology app on my iPad Pro. The electronic reading experience for graphic novels has finally matched that of reading on paper, and I love having the ability to subscribe and know that I'm never going to miss an issue.
With that said, these five comics are all books that I also obsessively collect in print. I want them forever. (I may have even purchased them in several different collected editions because reasons.)
I doubt there's anyone who is even vaguely into comics who isn't reading Saga. The art and story are both amazing. It's definitely for mature audiences, being free with both the sex and the violence. But damn, I just love it to pieces.
The story follows the town of Buckaroo, which seems to generate an unusually high number of serial killers. Yeah, the violence is off the charts here. If you're squeamish, this is not the book for you. If you like your horror all spattery, you'll probably enjoy this. As a bonus, the characters are snarky and quirky, and the town's mysteries are being slowly revealed.
OK. Violence aplenty. (I'm starting to look a little dark here, I think. I'm a nice person, I swear. I like kittens and puppies and unicorns and stuff too!) Lazarus is sort of a post-apocalyptic thriller. There's a lot of action, but in addition to that action, there's a whole lot of story going on in each book. I read this one obsessively. I've re-read it several times now. The character Forever is a badass.
The Wicked + The Divine
Holy crap, do I love this book. Again, I don't really expect that I'm going to introduce anyone to this comic as it's super popular and doing just fine without me hyping it. But I L-O-V-E it. Mythology mixed with good vs. evil scheming. Just so good.
Rat Queens
Oh Rat Queens, I love you so much. It's the tale of a group of female adventurers called The Rat Queens. I love all the Queens. They are so cute. And vicious. And bad ass. I think this is one of the best books put out in the last few years. If you're not reading the Queens, stop reading this and go buy them now!!!!!!!