Danielle on Thanksgiving

Dear Book People. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the USA, and it's ... well, to be honest? It's not my favorite holiday. (Food centered celebrations have a tendency to make me slightly uncomfortable, but that's a story for another time.)
When I was growing up, we rarely celebrated Thanksgiving at my house. It was usually hosted by my grandparents or occasionally by my mom's siblings. It was a bit of a drive to get there -- it took about an hour -- so, being a Book Person, I always brought a book.
That was not an issue.
The issue is that I usually brought the book into the house and spent most of the day reading it. As a person who doesn't enjoy football, it seemed like reading was the only alternate activity for me.
Now that I'm older, and (maybe) a bit wiser, I realize that wasn't the case. My grandparents have long since passed, and most of my family lives much more than an hour away; if I could take back some of that time spent reading and spend it with my family, I think I would.
I'm obviously not saying that reading is a bad thing -- I would never say that. I am saying, though, to make sure that you don't let it separate you from the people you love. So maybe this Thanksgiving, leave your book at home so your hands and brain are free to spend real time with people you love, while they're here with you.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Book People!