bookstores Danielle on The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan Sometimes when you're down, whatever higher power you believe in throws you a bone. I call it God, but you might call it Karma or the Universe or George. Whatever works for you. The point is that sometimes -- most times -- life gives you the things that
murder Danielle on The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer I don't think that you can talk about anything Stephenie Meyer has written without acknowledging Twilight, so let's go ahead and do that, shall we? I don't love Twilight. Before you stop reading, let me say this: I don't hate it, either.
Judith Tarr Danielle's Friday Flashback: The Hound and the Falcon by Judith Tarr > Now reading! #bookstagram [] A photo posted by Afterwords (@afterwords_io) on Sep 23, 2016 at 3:39pm PDT This is not the same cover that this book had when I first held it in my eager reader hands. That cover
Top 5 lists Danielle on Five Books You Can Read on a Rainy Fall Day Rainy days -- especially rainy days in the fall -- seem to demand a warm beverage, a cozy blanket, and a good book. But not just ANY book. Just like there are books that are better read at the beach, there are books that are particularly suited for rainy fall
High Fantasy Dan on Tempered Hearts by S. A. Huchton This is a truly sweet love story set in a beautifully written high fantasy world. I love the characters and how the fantasy elements are incorporated without dominating the story. It's easy to believe that elves and dwarves and alchemy and magic all just exist. The prime storyline